Wednesday, May 28, 2014





Previously, when the Robinson-Briggs Administration was in office, one late night, residents said they saw Councilwoman Rebecca Williams, Councilman Adrian Mapp and some other members of the New Democrats committing an illegal act.  You remember when they posted on the poles around the Union County Building and on the utility poles around downtown, pink flyers that had lies such as Mayor Robinson-Briggs was missing when the people of Plainfield needed her most.  Let’s do our own examination, point by point:


·        Rebecca wrote that Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs was missing in action in the war on crime.  THE TRUTH IS Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs was the elected official who openly addressed the crime situation head on and dealt with it on a daily basis until gangs formed a truce.  That’s what leaders do.  What did Rebecca and the New Dems do to help the community?  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING?  She and others refused to join the former Mayor in going out to speak to our residents. 


·        Rebecca wrote that the former Mayor was out of touch by spending thousands of tax dollars without council approval.  THE TRUTH IS that the former Mayor could legally spend funds to help the community, and council approval wasn’t required. That’s why when Rebecca Williams, Adrian Mapp, Cory Storch and  Annie McWilliams reported the former Mayor to the Authorities for reprimand or removal because funds were spent on anti-gang initiatives, NOTHING HAPPENED!  The former Mayor did nothing wrong…just supported the people of Plainfield. Rebecca wouldn’t vote to spend money to help Plainfield, yet she has eagerly voted continuously to help Adrian Mapp spend an extra one million dollars on their political friends, for city paid salaries! What a hypocrite! 


·        Rebecca wrote that former Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs disappeared during Hurricane Sandy disaster, leaving the people in the dark.  THE TRUTH IS


When our community was devastated by Hurricane Irene, Hurricane Sandy and a nor-easter, many NAACP’ers, community volunteers and Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs could be seen OUTSIDE IN THE COMMUNITY, day and night.  Where was Councilwoman Rebecca Williams?  Doing what many feel she is great at doing, she was abusing the generosity of a local business owner by setting up shop in his cafe, using his generator for free electricity for her computer and cell phone, while dining on his daily homemade meals and free soup. Rebecca knew that she should have utilized the generator at the Police Station, but SHE wanted the comfort of home…on someone else’s dime.  


When will this elected official, Rebecca Williams, aka Cousin Becky, learn that she should always put the people of our community, those who entrusted her with their vote, first?  When she finally decided to come out and speak with residents, she handed out a few copies of the multi-page, informational report which was PREPARED by former Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs, which Cousin Becky of course was passing it out as “her own”.  She didn’t even bother to come to the daily city briefings scheduled by the former administration with members and volunteers and stakeholders regarding emergency management. She didn’t help our residents, but guess who did, many others including former Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs, who residents will remember her bringing them blankets and supplies to their homes, many senior citizens will remember her bringing them food when they had none, many members of Salvation Army and Angels for Action will remember Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs partnership with them for the benefit of the community.  So, where was Rebecca Williams during all of these disasters, somewhere sharpening her fangs for an attack on some undeserving victim!  Plainfield, 2nd and 3rd Ward residents, “Dump Rebecca” as she has done to you for years.

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